Saturday, July 12, 2008

I catch up on sleep just to watch it run away again.

I want something profound.

I want to write some story that weaves in everything that I've learned for the past three years, leaving my audience to ponder for days. I want clever, witty, and deep. I want a perfectly crafted point that is vague enough to make everyone think, and clear enough that everyone gets it. I want to challenge the mind and create a struggle that presents a new level of understanding. I want that understanding to be renewed and seen in a deeper way at each telling of the story. I want that understanding to change the way people think.

But I got nothin'. Except for the line from Hellboy II: "You're in love. Have a beer." Only I'm not in love. And I don't have any alcohol. I don't even like beer. Or being in love...Wait, I lied. But my version of love would not involve beer.

How's that for profound?

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